Corpse Couture

O’Connor, Kim. “Corpse Couture: Clothes for Going Out in Style.” Wired Oct. 2013: 50. Print. Australian fashion designer, Pia Interlandi, constructs her clothes with one unusual inspiration in mind: death. After realizing that modern day burial clothes like suits and dresses are intended to last instead of decompose, she set to designing ideal degradable garments. Using […]

Representations of Nature in Spike Jonze’s movie Her

Her. Dir. Spike Jonze. Perf. Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson, and Amy Adams. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2013. DVD. I’ve recently watched Spike Jonze’s movie Her , trying to approach it from an environmentally focused perspective. At first I thought it was a visually stunning film with pseudo sci-fi undertones, but after watching it with the environment in […]

Making Paper Obsolete

Goudarzi, Sara. “Top Ten Emerging Environmental Technologies.” Purch, 19 Apr. 2007. Web. 28 May 2014. Web. This article cites a possible form of electronic paper that would reduce the amount of paper produced in a given population. The paper doesn’t look like a typical e-reader or a standard tablet, but is a flexible piece of […]

Solar panels could replace roads

Weinberger, Hannah. “Solar Panels Could Replace Roads.” Outside, 9 May 2014. Web. 14 May 2014. This source talks about potentially using roads and highways as an energy source. Scott and Julie Brusaw of Sagle, Idaho have been developing solar panels that will be incorporated into America’s existing roadway system. This idea could be a viable source of […]

Japanese Art Via Excel Spreadsheets

Gonzalez, Leah. “Traditional Japanese Art Created Using Excel Spreadsheets.” PSFK Labs, 22 May 2013. Web. 14 May 2014.!NrUAh&gt This article highlights Tatsuo Horiuchi’s artwork and shows the potential aesthetic capabilities of a seemingly “unartistic” digital platform (Microsoft Excel). Horiuchi uses Excel spreadsheets to create traditional Japanese landscapes, citing that “graphic software is expensive.” I think this […]